

403.111.2222 Address · Calgary · Alberta · A1A 2B2

VeloPlus Wheelchair Bike

Convenient for transporting and enjoying the ride.

Manufacturer: Van Raam

The VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike is designed for cycling with people who can remain seated in their own wheelchair. The passenger is not required to be transferred between their wheelchair and the cycle. They can simply wheel onto the platform of the cycle. There is a tilt feature which makes it easy to load the wheelchair user on to the bike and fasten it with tiedowns. The optional winch system makes this even easier. The electric winch will pull a wheelchair and its user up the tilted platform.

The VeloPlus has a modern design with oversized rear frame, unique riding characteristics, and is stablity. The low position of the chair on the bicycle makes the ride smooth. This bike can transport up to a 200 kg passenger (including wheelchair).


Weight : 141 lbs
Length: 253 cm
Width: 110 cm
Weight capacity driver: 242 lbs
Weight capacity passenger: 308 lbs


Automatic battery lights
Hydraulic brakes front
V-brakes rear
Drifter gel saddle
AXA defender lock
Environmentally friendly paint
Parking brake
Wheelchair lock
Hip belt
Wheelchair fixation
Wheelchair protection


Wheelchair user can sit in her or his wheelchair
Easy to ride a wheelchair on it due to the tilted ramp
Almost every wheelchair is suitable
Steered front wheels for a short turning radius
Stable and safe
Easy to use
Wheelchair is easy and safe to lock onto the plateau

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